Ex-prison guards sentenced Wednesday for pepper spraying cuffed, kneeling inmates
Published 4:42 pm Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Separate sentencings are scheduled Wednesday for two former Louisiana prison guards who pleaded guilty to plotting to hide the fact that they sprayed chemical into the faces of kneeling, handcuffed inmates.
Former Sgt. Demario Shaffer and former Officer David Parker are the first of four ex-guards scheduled for sentencing on conspiracy charges.
Former Capt. Roderick Douglas’ sentencing is June 5, and former Lt. Christopher Loring’s July 3. Douglas’ court statement said he started the spraying and sprayed two Richwood Correctional Center inmates before passing a can of pepper spray to another guard.
Loring admitted standing by while others sprayed five inmates and participating in the cover-up.
A fifth ex-guard pleaded guilty to conspiracy, but charges against him were dropped and his guilty plea vacated after he was shot to death.