Mississippi United Ways asks residents to take survey to help measure impact of COVID-19
Published 11:03 am Monday, July 6, 2020
United Ways across Mississippi are launching a statewide survey Wednesday to assess the economic impact the COVID-19 crisis has had on Mississippi families.
Families are invited to take part in the confidential survey by visiting https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/UWMSCOVID19.
“In this time of uncertainty, communities are bound by strength, interconnection and a shared vision for advancing the common good,” United Way of West Central Mississippi Executive Director Michelle Connelly said. “Mississippi United Ways are committed to playing a central role in connecting partners to band together toward achieving shared goals.”
Connelly also serves as the contact for the Mississippi Association of United Ways.
This survey is being conducted at no cost to United Ways in Mississippi thanks to the Louisiana Association of United Ways and a network of volunteer experts, including Dr. Steven Dick, member of the Louisiana Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed Research Advisory Committee and advisory assistance provided by the United For ALICE team.
The survey seeks information on a wide range of topics, including the most pressing concerns: job changes, child care challenges and other economic changes Mississippi families are navigating during the pandemic.
“The tough work that will be needed to help communities recover is the very work United Way does every day,” the United Way of West Central Mississippi said in a press release announcing the survey. “We help connect those in financial distress with resources to pay bills and stay in their homes, we help feed those facing food insecurity and we help prepare children for success in school, work and life.”
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete.
“Live United is not simply our slogan; it is our way of life and our vision for what collective community impact looks like,” Connelly said.
“If you’ve felt the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, please consider taking the time to complete the 10-minute survey,” the agency said in its release. “United Way wants to understand the needs so that we can help communities recover, rebuild and thrive.”