Latest Cartoon


67-year-old Mississippi husband dies in Friday night house fire. Wife was able to escape flames.

A 67-year-old Mississippi man was unable to escape the flames of a house fire Friday night. Officials from ...

Super Bowl commercials


Super Bowl 2020: 10 Super Bowl commercials you can watch today

Sunday’s Super Bowl 2020 will not be a politics-free zone, as both President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential ...


Milwaukee Brewers roll out new logo – and a Mississippi man created it

The Brewers are bringing back the team’s iconic ball-in-glove logo next year and the revised logo has Mississippi ...


Donald Trump’s new advisor: Maury Povich? (Cartoon)

With so many sex and pregnancy scandals in Trump's White House, a new kind of advisor is needed.


Cartoon: Chris McDaniel’s Tantrums for Attention

Jake Thrasher is an editorial cartoonist for Magnolia State Live. 


Editorial cartoon: Mississippi’s abortion ban further restricts women’s reproductive rights

Jake Thrasher is an editorial cartoonist for Magnolia State Live. 


Cartoon: Begging for Donald Trump’s approval

Jake Thrasher is an editorial cartoonist for Magnolia State Live. 

